Fig-leaf Gospel
Fig-leaves in Biblical typology represents mankind’s self effort or good works.
They knew they had offended the Creator, so they tried to cover themselves. They sewed fig-leaves together to cover their nakedness and they also tried to take cover and hide from God.
A blood sacrifice
God’s response was to kill an animal, (probably a lamb) shedding it’s blood and using the skin to make coverings for the couple. Thus Adam and Eve were physically and symbolically clothed by God.
This action of blood sacrifice, demonstrated God’s plan of salvation for mankind and symbolized Jesus’ great sacrifice of Himself on the cross. Christ’s death/resurrection once and for all, atoned for mankind’s sin, and only through repentance and faith in Christ as Lord and Saviour, can relationship to God be restored. This is the good news which Christians are commanded to go into all the world and preach, but today another gospel is being emphasized.
A Gospel of self interest
Today we are witnessing another gospel and the falling away that Scripture speaks of. Many leaders are redefining what it means to be a Christian. A self motivational gospel is presented as opposed to preaching the true blood gospel. I call it the fig-leaf gospel because it’s a watered down gospel of works, which enhances mans’ interests and not God’s. Fig leaves in Scripture represents man's works or human efforts to reach goodness. However the Bible says all man's efforts towards righteousness is as filthy rags in God's sight. God only accepts Christ's sacrifice on our behalf for mankind to gain acceptance with Himself.
Those who preach the inclusive/tolerence fig-leaf, man centered gospel, do not present the whole gospel which involves faith and dying to carnal self interests by taking up our cross daily. Prosperity, purpose in life, a social gospel and the life enhancement Gospel passes as Christianity these days. But Christ’s gospel is not appealing to the flesh—it’s not the ‘life you always wanted.’ God’s way is a narrow way. God desire is to have a relationship with us and asks for obedience to His Word for our benifit. The rewards are assurance of salvation, peace of mind and great joy.
The fig-leaf gospel which tickles the ear is about how man can benefit in this life by applying principles. It’s a seductive serpentine gospel of works to benefit ones self—to make one more effective/prosperous/powerful. It’s a gospel to suit individual agendas—giving man control of his/her own life and the end result fosters idolatry - making themselves like a little god. It’s magnifying self interests above God’s ways.
The true gospel is not the selfish fig-leaf works gospel. The true gospel is about the precious shed blood of Christ that cleanses from all sin. It’s about dying daily to the flesh with Christ and taking up our cross.
Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and to die on the cross in our place. He died to give us abundant life in Him which is the joy of becoming more like Christ - not as selfish little gods, but clothed in Christ's righteousness, it is not the kind of selfish life you always wanted, because we are to be changed daily in Christ's image. Jesus said we should expect to be persecuted in this life just as He was persecuted, but His rewards are eternal and life giving.
Recently I watched a Christian TV show but I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something wrong with the way the message was presented. As I turned off the TV a Scripture popped into my mind about the gospel of Christ being the power of God unto salvation. It struck me that there was little power of conviction in the message. There was no gospel preached, no repentance, no urging to turn from sin, no blood of Jesus mentioned and no explanation that mankind has offended God. I looked up the reference of the verse that had popped into my heart and discovered to my amazement that I had only memorized part of the verse. The apostle Paul said "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ."
Ashamed of the Gospel
Romans 1:18. - "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who has faith..."
Are modern preachers ashamed to preach the true gospel I wondered? Many do not want to offend their audience for fear of losing their followers and so they compromise their preaching accordingly. How sad is that?
Suppress the Gospel
Then I read further in the passage where it says in - Romans 1:18.
"For the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness..."
It struck me that those who preach this popular fig-leaf gospel (which is at best only half the gospel) are actually suppressing the truth in unrighteousness. Now I had always taken the verse to be speaking about unbelievers, but now I see that is not always the case. It can also refer to unrighteous/ungodly backsliders who repress the truth. Those who are preaching the modern popular psychology/tolerance gospel have only the wrath of God to look forward to unless they repent for repressing the gospel message to tickle peoples ears.
Idolatry/Preacher worship.
Not only does the modern gospel suppress the truth but it leads to idolatry. See further in the same chapter -
Romans 1:25. "...who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator..."
How sad to see this very thing happen with all the preacher worship that goes along with the trendy self serving fig-leaf gospel that the false leaders love so much. They love it because it is the easy but false way to receive self validation and they glory in all the praise heaped upon them. Instead of being willing to be broken by the Lord in order to be more Christ-like, their heads swell with pride and arrogance comes forth from their lips whenever challenged.
nice post. you should post more. you seem to have alot of good insight.
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